A Narrative of the Negro Paperback

A Narrative of the Negro Paperback

Item# 9781639238125
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

This little volume contains, in story form, a brief outline of the history of the Negro. In collating the facts herein set forth it was my privilege to consult the Congressional Library at Washington, the libraries of Harvard and Yale universities and the Boston Public Libiary. I am fully aware that such opportunities should have insured a better book, but I earnestly hope that the motive which prompts me may cause the shortcomings and imperfections of the work to be forgiven. I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the following authors: Hereen (H istorical Researches), Edmund D. Morel, Robert P. Skinner, Edward Howell, T. J. A lldridge, J. V. Delacroix, J. J. Crooks, Frederick Douglass, Thomas A she, records of the American Colonization Society, W. J. Gardner, John A tkins, John Bigelow, Hasting Charles Dent, Frank Wiborg, J. VV. Birch, Joseph A. Tillinghast, Rev. Robert Walsh, Increase N. Tarbox, Lydia Maria Child, Sir Harry Johnston, Sir Henry M. Stanley, Dr. W. E. B. Dubois, Prof. Kelly Miller, Dr. Booker T. Washington, Charles W. Williams, Joseph T. Wilson, William Still, W. H. Grimshaw, James M. trotter, W. H. Crogman, J. T. Headley, B. J. Lossing, J. W. Gibson, Zachary Macaulay, Edward W. Blyden, J. J. Pippin, Mrs. E. M. OC onnor, Mrs. F. B. Williams, Andrew Carnegie, G. W. Forbes. For assistance in other directions, I wish, also, to thank Hon. Robert Spurgeon, Brooklyn; Mr. Reginald Peters, St. Kitts; and Miss Beatrice Le Strange, of Boston. Because of his unfailing interest, encouragement and advice in this attempt I owe most of all to my husband. In presenting this narrative, as a sort of family story to the colored children of A merica, it is my fervent hope that they may hereby acquire such an earnest desire for greater information as shall compellingly lead them, in maturer years, to the many comprehensive and erudite volumes which have been w

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